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9. That's Not The Rock!

8. Compassion? Yeah Right...

7. Jon Gets the Rock

6. Jon look's too much

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

That's Not The Rock!

avatar on 2007-05-17 23:49:13

1683 hits, 51 views, 1 upvotes.

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Sarah was trying desperately to fight the feelings, to keep her mind from clouding over, but it was a losing fight. The only way to help her was to get the rock. Desperately, she made a dive at it, but Jon moved a little to the right, sending her straight at him. Instead of getting the rock, she got a mouthful of cock.

At first she was disgusted, but then more feelings of lust entered her mind and she willingly and happily sucked on Jon. Her control was completely gone. And she knew that soon she'd be having sex with Jon. And she'd enjoy it.

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