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13. Getaway

12. Interruption

11. Wedding

10. Sister talk

9. Update

8. Plans change, or not

7. The truth

6. Confusion

5. Jessica takes action

4. Panic!

3. Maids of Honor?

2. Sister's Wedding

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2015-09-21 08:01:50

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Jen shrieked into the gag that had been put over her mouth right when she had been snatched away from her own wedding. As much as she tried to struggle, the long skirt of her dress kept her from landing any kicks on her assailants. Her hands, also, had been pinned to her sides by the massive arm squeezing her torso like a python.

Then, her world tipped sideways as she was dumped into a large van that had been waiting on the sidewalk. Her kidnappers piled in after her, gathering up her train before shutting the sliding door. The driver wasted no time speeding away down the street.

Panic overtook the would-be bride, and she wriggled desperately even as ropes tied her arms and legs together. Someone then rolled her onto her stomach and sat on her back.

"Sorry about this," a feminine voice muttered into her ear. "But we can't have you attracting any more attention than necessary." To Jen's horror, a hand took off her veil while others cut the straps of her dress with scissors and yanked the garment from her body. Thankfully, a blanket was placed around her as she was returned to a sitting position.

The female "ninja" shook the dress as if trying to dislodge something. "Nothing," she said with disappointment. Balling it up, she stuffed it into a large duffel bag and shoved it aside. With a loud sigh, she slipped off her mask and pulled back her hood, dislodging a mass of long blonde hair. Jen nearly fainted in shock when she recognized the person's face, but she, instead, chose to scream her outrage into her gag.

"I'm so sorry, Jon," said Karyn. "We almost didn't make it in time. But things are going to be alright now. You'll see."

The captive bride-to-be glared daggers at the girl she had considered a friend. How could she do this to her? It was bad enough that she gave no reason when she turned down her invitation to attend the wedding. Now, she had gone so far as to kidnap her on what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life!

All of a sudden, Jen paused.

Jon? Somehow, that name seemed to cut through her feelings of betrayal. Why is that name so familiar?

"Are we being followed?" The driver asked, leaning over to check her passengers. While her own golden hair had been stuffed under an oversized ball cap, the face of Sarah McMillan was unmistakable.

One of the larger figures removed his mask. "Don't think so, babe," panted Biff Meadows. "The chains we put on the door should've slowed them down enough for us to make a clean getaway."

The last "ninja" sat back and uncovered his own face.. "Alright, Karyn," said Steve Farber. "I think Jen's about to have a stroke unless she gets answers fast, and I don't think she'd want to hear them from any of us. That leaves you to explain what's going on, and I suggest you make it quick."

Karyn nodded and turned to Jen. "Jon uh, I mean Jen, this is really going to sound crazy, but I swear it's the truth."

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