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12. School Without

11. Karyn is Not Totally Convinced

10. Sarah is Different

9. Was It a Dream?

8. Unpacking

7. Zoe's Room

6. Send Jon Home (2)

5. On a Gurney

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The Workmen: School Without

on 2015-10-31 20:30:03

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As Jon and Karyn entered the school, he spotted Biff Meadows hanging around two other members of the football team. Biff had been Sarah's primary boyfriend, although the amount of gossip about that relationship could fill a small tabloid.

" he dating anyone?" He asked Karyn.

Karyn looked at him, as if wondering about it before her expression changed, indicating she'd realized it was a wish related question. "Not at the moment. He only attracts people as shallow as he is. He was dating a cheerleader for a while...but I forget which one."

Jon thought about that. Could it be he was dating Sarah, but Karyn just didn't remember?

They turned the corner and Jon nearly bumped into Athena, one of Zoe's best friends. She seemed...disoriented somehow.

"Athena, are you all right?" Jon blurted out.

She looked at him. "I...something feels off...out of balance," she remarked. She paused. "Who are you again? You seem familiar."

Jon and Karyn exchanged glances. Karyn because she had no idea who this Goth was...well, she knew her on sight, but she didn't understand Jon's reaction.

"What feels out of balance?" Jon asked her.

"I...was waiting behind the school for twenty minutes...for something..." Athena said.

Zoe met Athena there. Jon frowned. "What if you were waiting for someone not something?

Athena looked him straight in the eye. "What are you talking about?"

Jon paused. How could he explain this? How did Athena not remember Zoe, her best friend, yet remember to wait for her?

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