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7. Zoe the pickpocket.

6. Kaitlyn's turn.

5. Genital Swap With Sarah

4. Unsuspecting Prey

3. body-part swapper

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe the pickpocket.

on 2013-12-18 12:02:33

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Jon, and Karyn for that matter had no idea his sister had been tailing them, remaining unseen in a very ninja like fashion. And Zoe had watched with 'interest' as her brother swapped genitals and chests with the two bitchy cheerleaders. "I have to give that thing a try-out!" she mumbled to herself.

Luckily her brother Jon and Karyn were stood next to some bushes, Zoe saw her chance and crept over to them, slipping into the undergrowth unseen. She remained deathly silent as she approached her now big-boobed brother from behind. He was too busy playing with his new mammaries and Zoe saw the device in his pocket.

As if she'd been purloining for years, Zoe expertly lifted the device from Jon's pocket and then made a swift exit from the area, knowing full well she'd be leaving him, Sarah and Kaitlyn stuck as they were.

"Aw that was easy!" Zoe giggled, as she studied the device and headed down the street.

Jon's sister Zoe was not your average teenager. Her gothic-black hair with blue streaks was evident of that fact. She wore a dark grey t-shirt with a generic skull motif on it, a black leather jacket, a short black skirt, fishnets and black, studded 4-inch block heeled boots

"Time to give the thing a try out me thinks!" Zoe thought, as she looked around for possible 'guinea pigs' to use it on.

A couple seemed to stick out to her. There was a man considerably taller than she was, about 6 ft tall compared to Zoe's 5' 5". He had a shaved head and wore glasses, and he was dressed in a black bomber jacket, a white t-shirt, jeans and brown hiking boots. He was average build, not overly muscular at all.

Just passed the man was a woman heading to her car. She looked to be in her late 20's, compared to the man's early 30's. She stood about 5' 6" tall, her brown shoulder-length hair had blonde tips and she had 'modest' B-cup breasts. She was dressed in a red sleeveless top, a pair of black capri pants and black ballet flats. She was quite pretty.

Zoe wondered whether the device had a 'secondary' mode, meaning she wouldn't have to include herself in the swaps, at least not yet...

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