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95. Danielle Puts On a Skateboarde

94. Friendships are Important

93. Sarah Encounters Gena in the H

92. Tiffany, Sarah, and Zelda

91. Sarah, Zelda, and Tiffany

90. Things Start to Stabilize

89. Lunch Time at the High School

88. Police Action

87. Sugar and Simon Wake From Thei

86. Sugar, Spice, and an Inquisiti

85. Nadine and Bethany Wake From T

84. Saved By the Closet

83. Sarah Got Thrown Off the Squad

82. Zelda and Sarah Meet Up

81. Melissa and Stephanie Are Now

80. Ups and Downs 2

79. Tiffany is a Little Older and

78. Agatha is the Mature One

77. Laura Comes Home

76. The Fergusons

Musical Closets Variation: Skateboarding and Shared Experiences

avatar on 2020-03-31 12:56:17

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Off-duty police officer Danielle Chase entered the middle school and went straight to the main office. Once there, she began rummaging through the "lost and found" box, until she found what she was apparently looking for - a pair of knee-pads. Unlike the others who were affected by the phenomenon before her, she didn't take off her clothing. She just put the knee-pads on over her pants. Suddenly, she blinked awake, wondering how she could have gotten there.


Elsewhere in the school, Tyler Green was in the middle of telling his friends at lunch about the new skateboard he had gotten, when suddenly, he got a strange look in his eyes and just left. For a moment, his friends were concerned, but then they simply put it out of their mind and returned to eating their lunch.

At another table, though, Mikey noticed how Tyler was acting and became concerned. It looked like the young teenager was in a trance. Could this have something to do with what was happening?


"You wanna hear something really fucking weird?" Gena asked, as they walked down along the street, about a block from the high school. "This morning something happened to me that I still can't explain."

"Yeah, what's that?" Sarah asked.

"For some reason, I wound up in my sister's bedroom. I had no idea how I got there."

"I didn't know that you suffered from sleep-walking," Sarah said. Though, really, did she actually know anything about this girl? After all, they weren't really that close. Or were they? Gena was, after all, telling her something that only close friends might tell each other.

"I don't," Gena said. "But that's not the weird part. I was wearing her clothing. How fucked up is that?" She thought back to that moment, remembering wearing her goody-two-shoes sister's T-shirt, jeans, and sandals, all in colorful happy colors. Ugh.

Sarah put her hand (now showing off nails with black polish) on Gena's shoulder, stopping her. "Wait, what did you say? That happened to you too?"

"What do you mean?"

"I found myself somewhere else too, wearing someone else's clothing," Sarah said.


"Yeah. But I can't really complain. The girl had some good taste." She was about to add that the girl was a "cybergoth like me," but then she blinked. Why would she think something like that. After all, Sarah wasn't a cybergoth. Obviously. But it was clear that the girl she was talking about was. Or at least a cybergoth in the making.

"Well, it sounds like you had a more pleasant experience than me. But what the fuck do you think is going on? What are the chances that two people would have such a similar experience?" Gena asked.

"I don't know, but if we don't stop talking about this, we'll miss out on where Sabrina is going."

"Good point," Gena said, then hurried with her friend in the direction they saw Sabrina heading in. A few minutes later, the two Goth girls (Sarah may not have been a cybergoth yet, but she was clearly part of the Goth crowd now) saw their friend enter an unfamiliar house.

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