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77. Laura Comes Home

76. The Fergusons

75. Karyn Has More Memory Problems

74. Linda at work

73. Back to Karyn

72. Tim Walks Home Embarrassed, an

71. Jay Stays Put and Tim Walks Ho

70. Mikey Reluctantly Stays and Ja

69. The Mirror Holds No Answers

68. Athena Has Memories Problems,

67. Mikey and Athena Meet Lilly

66. Leonard Wonders If He's Even F

65. Leonard Shows Up

64. Biff Gets Some Help From Kyla

63. Melissa and Mel and Biff

62. Zoe Agrees to Drive Lilly to t

61. Age is But a Number

60. Mikey and Athena Go to the Sam

59. Middle School

58. Karyn Has Memory Problems, and

Musical Closets Variation: Laura Comes Home

avatar on 2020-03-27 21:44:36

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Earlier ...

Laura rushed home as quickly as possible, back in her original clothing. She had absolutely no idea how it had happened, but she had found herself in an unrecognizable teenage boy's bedroom, apparently wearing his clothing. There were just so many thoughts and theories running through her head that she had trouble sorting it all out. But the moment she arrived home, all those questions about what happened ceased immediately. There was a stranger's car parked in the driveway, and her family car was missing. Had her husband Roger left the house? Then she noticed the front door. It was wide open!

She rushed into the house, yelling out "Why is the door wide open?"

Then she heard the sound of steps quickly coming down the stairs.

"Who's there?" Laura demanded, knowing her family would never run in the house. Had her house been broken into?

A young pale woman, perhaps in her mid-20's, with long black hair and dark gothic make-up came down the stairs ... but what shocked her the most was what she was wearing.

"Are you wearing my daughter's clothing?! Who are you?!" Laura yelled, wanting answers.

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