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7. pregnant pause

6. karyn wishes... but for what?

5. Karyn finds the stone.

4. Karyn 2

3. The Twin Stones

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

Twin stones: A pregnant pause.

on 2006-11-09 01:57:58

2015 hits, 172 views, 0 upvotes.

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Karyn held the stone and decided she should make a wish, after all what could go wrong. But what would she want?

Hmmm, she always wondered what it'd be like to be pregnant. But a real pregnancy means lots of complications. A wish can just zap you their, and if she dislikes it she can always wish for it to be sympathy pains for a pregnant friend.

She picked up the stone and said "I wish I was 8 or 9 months pregnant"

SHe felt her belly swelling out, she was getting heavier, her shirt lifed up revealing the tight mound of her belly. She felt the weight inside of her shift and the baby kick.

Meanwhile things just got very awkward for jon...

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