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9. Karyn hits it off with Jon's m

8. Karyn Apologizes, but ...

7. Foul Mouth Child

6. When Sitters Go Bad

5. A slight physical change

4. Successful test.

3. A small test.

2. The next day after school.

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn hits it off with Jon's mother

on 2004-05-01 04:50:26

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Karyn was having such a good time talking with Jon's mother as they finished preparing dinner together, she hadn't noticed a change herself. It was brought home when Jon's mother handed Karyn a platter and asked her to put it on the table.

"Ok Mrs. Stevenson", Karyn replied.

"Karyn, you're making me feel old, please call me Joan. I know ten years difference seems like a lot to you right now, but we're really not that far apart."

That's when Karyn finally realized what was staring her in the face. Not only was Jon nine years younger, so was his mother. That's why they were having such fun, Jon's mother was more like an older sister to her now instead of someone who could be her own mother.

"Oh sorry, uh .. Joan." Karyn said a little awkwardly. "I don't mean to be too forward, but did you maybe want to go hang at the mall or something after dinner?"

"I take it back, ten years is a huge chasm." Joan said smiling.

"It's early. The mall will be open for hours?" Karyn suggested.

"You have no idea how attractive that offer is. I would dearly love to, but I'm afraid that's impossible. When Jon was little, I took him everywhere. The stroller was his mobile home away from home. When he got tired, he'd just sleep in the stroller. I could even take him into dressing rooms while I tried on clothes. Now he's too old to take into dressing rooms, and way too big for a stroller. I appreciate the offer, but I can't." Joan said wistfully.

"Maybe you can?" Karyn wondered.

"Would you go see what's keeping Jon?" Joan said to Karyn. "He should have finished his bath and put on his pajamas by now."

"Sure thing Mrs. ... uh Joan." Karyn said heading back upstairs toward Jon's room.

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