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23. Mikey Becomes a Girl and Alex

22. Girly boy Mikey

21. Allison relieves herself

20. The drive to Penny's house

19. Triple the pleasure

18. Back to Allison

17. Go fuck yourself

16. Jenna tells Alex

15. Before they go

14. Jenna wakes her

13. Back to Peter

12. Jenna's Surprise

11. It's Jenna Madsen!

10. Allison vents about Jenna

9. I could understand my daughter

8. Allison Sandstrom

7. Mikey's Dad, Peter

6. Linked Wishes

5. Granted wishes--but with a spi

4. Something Mischievous

Linked Wishes: Mikey Becomes a Girl and Alex Makes a Wish

avatar on 2010-05-27 22:33:30

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"Mom," Mikey said. "There's something I need to tell you about that stone. Can I have it for a minute? It won't take long to show you."

"Show me what?" Penny asked.

"Please?" he asked, holding out his hand.

Penny looked at him oddly, then handed it over.

"I wish ..." Mikey was about to wish for something simple, to show her that the stone granted wishes. But instead, his new desires kicked in and he wished for something else entirely. "... that I was a girl." The stone glowed, causing both of them to turn away, as if there were something in their eyes. When they looked back, Mikey was a girl!

Mikey looked down at himself, both shocked and elated. What ... what have I done? the original part of Mikey thought. His new part, however, couldn't have been more pleased. And that part was getting bigger and bigger. Soon, the original boy part of Mikey's mind would be no more, no matter how much he struggled to keep it.

While Mikey was looking himself (or rather herself) over, Penny was looking at the stone. "It really grants wishes," she uttered, trying to make her mind believe that what she saw wasn't a parlor trick.

Behind them, Allison yelled out with fury. She had an orgasm. And since she wasn't interested in having sex with women, the wish that had caused her to want to fuck herself was now complete. She settled down, taking long deep breaths.

Meanwhile, back at Penny's office, her boss Alex Johnson was about to make his wish.

Alex sat back in his office chair, a phone up to his ear. "That bitch is going to be a problem," he said into the phone. "She might have a fucking hot body, but she unfortunately also has a brain. Too bad she's not more docile like her sister Penny."

He paused, hearing the person on the other end talk.

He laughed. "Yeah, I heard about that incident. Too bad Jenna's not like that all the time. She might be more fun to be around. And I wouldn't have to put up with all of her usual bullshit." He sighed. "You know, I wish ..."

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